Faculty Directory

If you click on the email address it should bring you directly to your email with the address put directly into the To: box.

Main Office:

Erica Gower, Principal - egower@winslowk12.org

Tom Hersom, Asst. Principal - thersom@winslowk12.org

Greg Chesley, Dean of Students - gchesley@winslowk12.org  

Crystal Pomerleau, Student Support Specialist - cpomerleau@winslowk12.org

Kathleen Edwards, Secretary - kedwards@winslowk12.org

Gisele Carey, Secretary - gcarey@winslowk12.org

School Resource Officer:

Ellen Stewart - estewart@winslowk12.org

School Nurse's Office:

Stephanie Choate - schoate@winslowk12.org

Robyn Maheu - rmaheu@winslowk12.org 

Social Work/Behavior Consultant:

Lacey Roderick, Social Worker - lroderick@winslowk12.org 

Dr. Jeanmarie Tekverk, School Psychologist - jtekverk@winslowk12.org

Sabrina Vasoll, Social Worker-Guidance - svasoll@winslowk12.org

Kate Hersom, Guidance 6-8 - khersom@winslowk12.org

Alexandra Michaud, Social Worker- amichaud@winslowk12.org 

Speech-Language Pathologists:

Storm Kelso - skelso@winslowk12.org

Debbie Michaud - dmichaud@winslowk12.org


Pam Perry, OT - pperry@winslowk12.org

Laurie Collins, OT - lcollins@winslowk12.org

Regan Tyler, PT - reagantyler@winslowk12.org

4-year-old Program:

Christine Harrington - charrington@winslowk12.org 

Libby Stevens - 4-year-old Ed Tech- lstevens@winslowk12.org


Sage Coldwell - scoldwell@winslowk12.org

Nikki Hafford - nhafford@winslowk12.org

Meagan Nielsen - mnielsen@winslowk12.org

Kristen Rolfe - krolfe@winslowk12.org

Michael Sandoval - msandoval@winslowk12.org

Grade 1:

Linda Ende - lende@winslowk12.org

Renee Blackstone - rblackstone@winslowk12.org

Crystal St. Pierre - cstpierre@winslowk12.org

Ann Sticht - asticht@winslowk12.org

Jennipher Smith - jenniphersmith@winslowk12.org 

Grade 2: 

Amy Davidson - adavidson@winslowk12.org

LeeAnn Watson - lwatson@winslowk12.org

Gayle Martin - gmartin@winslowk12.org

Lindsey DuVall - liduvall@winslowk12.org

Elise Theriault - etheriault@winslowk12.org 

Grade 3:

Patty Scully - pscully@winslowk12.org

April Trenholm - atrenholm@winslowk12.org 

Hannah Comfort - hcomfort@winslowk12.org

Jessica Buck - jbuck@winslowk12.org 

Amber Willett - awillett@aos92.org

Grade 4:

Tammey Quirion - tquirion@winslowk12.org

Lenore Reitze - lreitze@winslowk12.org

Sam Smith - samsmith@winslowk12.org

Michelle Roderick - mroderick@winslowk12.org

Grade 5:

Nicole Metivier - nmetivier@winslowk12.org

Deborah Myers - dmyers@winslowk12.org

Alexandra Fontaine - afontaine@winslowk12.org

Sarah Byrne - sbyrne@winslowk12.org 

Grade 6:

Irene Hallee - ihallee@winslowk12.org

Heather Tompkins - htompkins@winslowk12.org

Isaac Schmidt - ischmidt@winslowk12.org

Kathleen Fleury - kfleury@winslowk12.org

Special Education:

Christine Schmidt, Director - cschmidt@winslowk12.org 

Nicole Tibbetts, IEP Coordinator - ntibbetts@winslowk12.org

Special Education Teachers:

Karen St. Peter - kstpeter@winslowk12.org

Jennifer Stout - jstout@winslowk12.org

Melanie Crouse - mcrouse@winslowk12.org 

Rachel McInnis - rmcinnis@winslowk12.org 

Jon Dunn - jdunn@winslowk12.org 

Rebecca Beaulieu - rebeccabeaulieu@winslowk12.org 

Lori Kruczek - lkruczek@winslowk12.org 

Special Education Techs:

Michelle Carey - mcarey@winslowk12.org

Anna Collins - acollins@winslowk12.org

Voni Eames - veames@winslowk12.org

Jessica Fortin - jfortin@winslowk12.org

Marsha Oliveira - moliveira@winslowk12.org

Cindy Pelotte - cpelotte@winslowk12.org

Donna Wilson - dwilson@winslowk12.org

Jayda Sharp - jsharp@winslowk12.org 

Bridget Hujara - bhujara@winslowk12.org 

Morgan McCafferty - mmccafferty@winslowk12.org 

James Griffin - jgriffin@winslowk12.org 

Alyssa Farrell - afarrell@winslowk12.org 

Noah Grindstaff - ngrindstaff@winslowk12.org

Nydia Alvarado - nalvarado@winslowk12.org

Gegie Mitchell - gmitchell@winslowk12.org 

Elizabeth Crouse - ecrouse@winslowk12.org 

Andy Dickey - adickey@winslowk12.org 

Stefanie Richards - stefanierichards@winslowk12.org 

Ashley Quirion - aquirion@winslowk12.org 

Jill Nutting - jnutting@winslowk12.org 

Ashley Horne - ahorne@winslowk12.org 

Cami Dubois - cdubois@winslowk12.org

Gifted and Talented:

Donna Foster - dfoster@winslowk12.org


Tetyana Fournier, ELL Lead - tfournier@winslowk12.org

Elijah Beaudoin - ebeaudoin@winslowk12.org  

Educational Technicians:

Olivia Parker - oparker@winslowk12.org

Dan Goss - Library Ed Tech - dgoss@winslowk12.org 

Specials & Unified Arts:

Ben Clark, Band - bclark@winslowk12.org

Lori Tyler, Gym - ltyler@winslowk12.org

Kipp Jacques - Art - kjacques@winslowk12.org

Heidi Murray - Library - hmurray@winslowk12.org

Cynthia Streznewski - Computer - cstreznewski@winslowk12.org 

Keri Whitney - Music/Chorus- kwhitney@winslowk12.org

Andrew Doiron - STEM - adoiron@winslowk12.org

Ann Clifford -Art - aclifford@winslowk12.org 

Hope Winkin - JMG - hwinkin@winslowk12.org

Title 1A:

Andrea Bragdon - abragdon@winslowk12.org

Keith Martin - kmartin@winslowk12.org

Kristen Day, Ed Tech - kday@winslowk12.org

Janie Pelletier, Ed Tech - janiepelletier@winslowk12.org

Kasey Toivola, Ed Tech - ktoivola@winslowk12.org

Sheldon Eames, Ed Tech - seames@winslowk12.org 


Will Backman, Director - wbackman@winslowk12.org

Jason Bersani - jbersani@winslowk12.org

Nick Roberge - nroberge@winslowk12.org

Custodial Staff & Maintenance:

Charles McCann, Maintenance - cmccann@winslowk12.org

Adam Morse, Head Custodian - amorse@winslowk12.org

David Davis - ddavis@winslowk12.org 

Bridgette Loucks - bloucks@winslowk12.org 

Richard Brown - rbrown@winslowk12.org 


April Shores, Head Cook - ashores@winslowk12.org

Susan Porter - sporter@winslowk12.org 

Mary Austin - maustin@winslowk12.org 

Vicki Perry - vperry@winslowk12.org

Karen Rancourt - karenrancourt@winslowk12.org

Vicki Rines - vrines@winslowk12.org