Winslow Elementary School
Contact Information
Winslow Elementary School
285 Benton Avenue Winslow, Maine 04901
Telephone: (207) 872-1967
Fax: (207) 859-2325
Principal: Erica Gower Grades: PreK-6
Winslow Elementary School Philosophy
Winslow Elementary School recognizes that the school is an integral part of the community. We will contribute to the development of its citizens by modeling respect for family, community and world. We celebrate the diversity of individuals and are committed to providing students with an opportunity to learn in a way that is most advantageous to each. All students will feel wanted, needed, valued, and safe. The success of this school shall be measured not only by the literacy and broad knowledge base which encourages lifelong learning, but also by the happy faces, healthy bodies, and curious minds it develops.
Words to Live by:
Respectful, Responsible, and Safe. Students will be taught these behavioral expectations in all areas and events in our school.